Having a balanced sustainability perspective means we carefully consider all aspects of sustainability. We take into account the impact of our products on the environment and the surrounding area while ensuring that our products protect users. Finding the right balance between the use of steel and the associated carbon footprint, while delivering safe products for individuals, property, and processes, is a complex challenge. In some cases, it is crucial to minimize the carbon footprint, while projects with high safety requirements may require us to prioritize a safer system. Our goal is to achieve the perfect balance between safety and sustainability.
The Art of Balancing
The perfect balance serves as a guideline for our goal of manufacturing quality products while considering the environment and social sustainability. This is reflected in our core values: respect, customer focus, and collaboration. We not only focus on safety but also strive for sustainable operations.
Our sustainability strategy can be summarized in three key aspects:

We are aware of the challenges associated with steel production and are committed to minimizing our carbon footprint. We continuously work to reduce emissions and enhance our sustainable practices.

Our sustainability efforts are guided by a conviction to use fair practices and maintain high safety standards. This applies not only to all Troax employees but also to our end users. Our goal is a socially sustainable future where both our staff and the broader community can thrive and prosper.

We uphold integrity and ethical business practices, strictly adhering to our code of conduct and policies. We aim to be transparent and accountable, aligning with our mission to make a positive impact on society and the environment.