Chairman since 2020
Born: 1963
Education: MBA at the Växjö University
Previous Experience: CFO of Investment AB Latour
Other assignments: Board member of HMS Networks AB, Swegon Group AB, Nord-Lock International AB, Hultafors Group AB, Bemsiq AB and Latour Industries AB.
Shareholding: 4,000
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: No

Board member since 2014.
Born: 1957
Education: MBA Business administration, University of Gothenburg
Previous experience: CEO at Troax Group AB, Borås Wäfveri AB and Cardo Pump AB
Other assignments: Board member of Balco AB.
Shareholding: 3,478,824
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: No

Board Member since 2015
Born: 1961
Education: MSc from Växjö University.
Previous Experience: 30 years of experience of management of industrial companies, mostly within the Nefab group.
Other assignments: Board member of FM Mattsson Mora Group AB, Lammhults Design Group AB, Infobric Group AB, VBG Group AB, engcon AB and Investment AB Chiffonjén.
Shareholding: 9,000
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes

Board Member since 2016
Born: 1955
Education: Architecture at Chalmers University of Technology
Previous Experience: Investment Director at the Swedish Transport Administration, CEO and President of Rejlerkoncernen AB, CEO of Sweco Sverige AB, Sweco Russia AB and Sweco FFNS Architects AB.
Other assignments: Chairman of Kaj Johansson Gruppen AB, Board member of Swedavias AB, Ballingslöv International AB and NRC Group ASA.
Shareholding: 1,500
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes

Board Member since 2018
Born: 1971
Education: MSc in Business and Economics from University of North Alabama.
Previous experience: CEO of Roxtec AB, owner-manager.
Other assignments: Chairman of the Board of Scanbox Thermoproducts AB. Board member of HMS Networks AB and Anocca AB.
Shareholding: 10,000
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes

Board Member since 2018
Born: 1961
Education: MBA, Handelshögskolan in Stockholm
Previous Experience: CEO in Beijer Alma group, leading positions within LGP Telecom, Scania AB and Investor AB.
Other assignments: Board member of Christian Berner Tech Trade AB and Bufab AB.
Shareholding: 4,500
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes

Board Member since 2024
Born: 1965
Education: MSc in Chemical Engineering from KTH in Stockholm
Previous Experience: Professional base in the process and chemical industry, including SCA and AkzoNobel with a commercial focus. Currently combining interim leadership with board positions in technology companies.
Other assignments: Board member of Densiq AB and Chairman of the board of Aqua Robur Technologies AB.
Shareholding: 0
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes

Board Member (Employee representative) since 2021
Born: 1971
Education: International Business School of Jönköping
Current Experience: Product manager for Warehouse Partitioning and Property Protection
Shareholding: 4,573
Independent of company: Yes
Independent of owners: Yes
Shareholding as at the date of adoption of the latest annual report 2023.